Jack of all trades but Master of textile studies
With a background in traditional folklore costume and textile research Ester Magnusson, Mesterspets, focuses on tradition, innovation, and the performativity of crafts.
A certain Spetskompetens
With an MA in textile studies from Uppsala university, a background in traditional as well as modern pattern drafting and sewing, and a burning passion for ways to make lace, I do my best to combine tradition and history with creativity and innovation.
While currently employed in the Swedish textile industry I also run my own small company on the side. I make everything from bespoke, hand crafted folk costume pieces to anatomical 3D lace installations.
I am also a storyteller, both on- and offline, spreading the word about Swedish traditional crafts and history on Youtube, TikTok, Tumblr, and whichever Swedish museum or institution will have me(Skansen, Nääs castle, Stockholms hemslöjdsförbund).